The Wilson Method Teacher Training
David offers Teacher Training in The Wilson Method.
This 54-hour program (plus 180 hours self-guided homework) will be offered in 3 modules of 18 hours each. Each level will be taught online, on Zoom, over eight weeks. Each level includes a comprehensive exam - entrance to the second and third levels is at the discretion of the Teacher Trainer. The ideal candidate is one who has an extensive background in music, singing, yoga, therapeutic techniques, and is curious about how humans tick; one who is driven to understand the brain, mind, body, breath and voice on a deeper level, and finds joy in doing so. Maximum six participants per level.
- Level One: Personal Embodiment Practice and Experiential TWM Training - Level Two: Advanced Discussion and Training in Educational Methodology - Level Three: Practicum (Supervised instruction of your students)
Cowtown Opera Summer Academy, 2019
You Will Learn:
How to help anyone sing with joy, ease and freedom
Full-body vocal pedagogy
The singer's support system (appoggio)
Somatic awareness & Embodiment
How to re-awaken your imagination
How to develop a sense of personal trust, agency and internal permission
How to strengthen empowerment in yourself and your students
How to cultivate a sense of power on each inhalation
How to cultivate a sense of surrender on each exhalation
How to train both Chest-dominant and Head-dominant singing freedom
How to breathe in a healthy manner
How to safely disrupt old breathing habits and derail learned physical tensions
How to work with the back brain, rewiring old unhelpful thinking loops
How to re-integrate the body, breath and voice into one cohesive unit
How to increase energy
How to decrease anxiety and the symptoms of asthma and COPD
Functional vocal physiology
Functional core physiology
Functional respiratory physiology
Real-World Meditation Techniques
Please Note: If you have considerable training and experience in some of the Voice-Adjacent skills listed to the right, some of the Core Training Pre-requisites listed at the top may be waived.
Otherwise, a prospective student may be asked to fill in a certain number of these Core Training Prerequisites with David Wilson prior to joining the Teacher Training. The cost of these sessions would be at regular rate, and outside the Wilson Method Teacher Training fee.
Please contact me for more information:
To Sign Up:
After reading this page, please contact us and outline your experience in the Core Prerequisites and Voice-Adjacent skillsets.
Write us a brief paragraph on what interests you about The Wilson Method, and what has motivated you to inquire about joining the Teaching Training.
Send $100.00 Canadian through Paypal, or, in Canada, eTransfer using the above email.
As a gift from us to you, your $100.00 non-refundable deposit gets you the entire Wilson Method Book & Video Library (see SHOP page). So even if you decide the Teacher Training is not for you at this point, you will still receive these fabulous life-changing resources at a reduced rate.
Core Training Prerequisites:
Minimum 2 years or 80 hours of singing lessons or choir experience
Minimum 2 years or 80 hours of hatha and/or restorative yoga classes
Minimum 10 hours of singing lessons, yoga therapy and/or breath therapy with David Wilson
Voice-Adjacent Training Prerequisites:
Minimum of 2 years training or experience in vocal-adjacent wholistic or artistic disciplines which may include and are not limited to:
Alexander Technique
Body-Talk Psychology Massage
Buteyko method
Bowen therapy
Constellation work
Craniosacral therapy
Dance therapy
Embodiment Training
Feldenkrais method
Fitzmaurice Voicework
Laban Movement
Life Coaching
Linklater Voice Training
Martial Arts
Massage Therapy
Music therapy
Myo-fascial work
Naturopathic medicine
Neuro-linguistic programming
Rebirthing / Holotropic Breathwork
Rolfing (Structural Integration)
Somatic Training
Sound Therapy
Speech Language Pathology
T’ai chi ch’uan
Thai massage
Therapeutic Touch
Visceral Manipulation
Voice Therapy
Please contact me for more information: