There is no such thing as “it’s just in your imagination”.
Imagination is the gateway to the subconscious, and therefore the gateway to our unlimited potential. in fact, it’s the gateway to the universe, and much, much more.
We often note that young actors and singers seem to be lacking objectives and tactics in their work, or are not "connecting with the text - this is usually not their issue. What we are noticing is a symptom, not a cause. The cause may be that they are in their thinking/stress brain instead their imagination sand-box-playing brain. The UCVM (Unconcious Chronic Valsalva Maneuver), because it goes hand-in-hand with living in the Fight/Flight/Freeze/Faint nervous system, takes us out of our imaginations; after all, there is no room for artistic endeavours when we are fleeing for our lives, either externally or internally. Therefore bringing them out of "work" and into "play" is an important first step in getting students to the point to where they feel safe enough INSIDE to surrender to their text, their character, their art, and their joy. Training young actors and singers to stop thinking about the wrong things and to start thinking "within character" - that is, to get out of their heads and into their imaginations; to "drop in"... to be "in it" is our goal.
The Wilson Method, combining vocal entrainment, breath therapy, movement re-education, restorative yoga, meditation and awareness work, has created a physically-based, wholistic and efficient system to help in this regard.
Imagination is a muscle - use it and it will become stronger: So use it.
There is no such thing as “it’s just in your imagination”.