How is The Wilson Method Different?
For many years, Vocal Therapy or “Vocology” has been primarily concerned with the larynx - utilizing speech therapy, some lifestyle changes and a modicum of breathwork.
David Wilson's work, including Body, Breath & Voice Integrative Therapy (BBVIT - a subsection of The Wilson Method) develops this traditional approach toward a more wholistic understanding of the full body/mind connections' effects on the human voice.
Most vocal issues have nothing to do with the voice. Muscle Tension Dysphonia (MTD), while presenting at the larynx or through vocal issues, is not where the cause is to be found. The full extent of MTD, and in fact, the number and tepy of vocal pathology that are caused by MDT, is vastly under-diaphnosed, under-studied by today’s medical system.
There is an impression out there, due to the most recent studies, that 10-40% of vocal pathology is due to MTD. This is about half of the actual percentage, due to the lack of holistic studies (and therefore understanding) related to the Unconcious, Chronic Valsalve Manuever. For instance, GERD or Acid reflux, is, for most, caused by MTD. We are not recognizing the pervasive tightening and clenching post of us are doing on a daily basis - the UCVM is strangling us from the solar plexus up.
Most who suffer from MTD have (usually unnoticed) issues with breathing and corresponding muscular and fascial imbalances that can be “ground zero” for most vocal problems. The most common of these being the “Unconscious Chronic Valsalva Maneuver” (UCVM) - that is, muscle tension in the upper rectus abdominis (sixpack) at the solar plexus area. The Wilson Method works with these underlying issues, getting to the root of the problem, offering lasting change in both vocal and overall health.
The UCVM, along with psoas tension, is the body’s primary physiological reaction to stress, trauma and anxiety.
The UCVM shuts down the deep core (thoracic diaphragm, pelvic floor, transversus abdominis, quadratus lumborum, psoas, para-spinals) and inhibits breath flow. This “freezing” of the lower body causes what is know as “costal breathing” or breathing high into the chest with little diaphragmatic involvement. This in turn causes the voice to work without it’s “supportive” subsystems, eventually leading to vocal problems, and many health issues as well.
When we go through anything we do not like, or feel threatened in any way, the RA (along with the psoas) hypertonicise, grip and over-contract. Over time, if we do not deal with this physiological reaction, the muscles and fascia begin to learn that they should remain in constant hyper-tonicization (over-contracting or tightening). This will increase anxiety while leading to a whole host of other health issues including but not limited to: Asthma, panic attacks, acid reflux, IBS, sinus issues, gut problems, allergy sensitivity, headaches, migraines, emotional upset, and of course, voice issues.
Regarding voice, the facial connection that runs from the upper rectus abdominis (RA) muscle up through and around the pectorals and into the neck/throat/jaw/larynx is responsible for virtually all MTD vocal issues. David has therefore had unprecedented success through the unwinding of the hypertonisized surface abdominal muscles, as well as movement re-education, core strengthening, vocal entrainment work, myo-fascial massage and most importantly, a very specific form of breath therapy.
David works with Muscle Tension Dysphonia is a way that is unique in the vocal teaching genre.
David's revolutionary technique builds a strong, confident, full-of-ease vocal technique from the ground up:
1. Breath
2. Breath + Body
3. Breath + Body + Vowels
4. Breath + Body + Vowels + Textwork
5. Breath + Body + Vowels + Text + Melody
6. Integration
Occupational Vocalists are those who place heavy demands on their voices to make a living.
Free Voice
Breath Therapy
Speaking Confidence
Support System Pedagogy
Full-Body Performance
Energetic Physiology
Movement Re-Education
Deep Core Strengthening
Connection to text and character
Functional Vocal Transformation
Vocal Pathology & Dysphonia
Vocal Health for Teachers
Performance Training for Actors
Charisma Development
Leadership Confidence
Restorative Yoga
Aging Voice