I was visiting one of my favourite places in the world, Hornby Island, hanging loose on Little Tribune Bay beach.
It was 1999.
On this beach there are often some fabulous folks offering massages, horoscope readings, yoga classes…
This particular sunny day there was a gentleman sitting on a chair, with a folding table set up in from of him, and what looked like a couple of little tvs and some fancy wires attached to a reflexology hand imprint thingy… it looked interesting.
I walked up and asked him about his mad scientist setup. He laughed and told me with a flourish that his contraption is called an “Aurastar 2000”.
See below.
Aurastar 2000
He told me that I place my hand on the raised dots, which would take a picutre of my aura, which I would receive a copy of.
Now, since when I was young I’ve been able to sense and see darkness or light around people, and have always know there was much more going on around us than meets the untrained eye.
So I was in.
The was a few years after my NBE #2, so I had become quite practiced at my Surrender Sigh by that point. So once we had placed my right hand properly on the Reflexograph, and he went back to looking at his little tv screen, I released one of my “patented exhalations”.
His face went white as a sheet.
He then turned to me and asked slightly-high-pitched, incredulous tone, “What… the hell… was that?” What did you just do???”
I could tell he was genuinely interested, and since we are sitting on a beach, and he was selling pictures of auras, I figured he was ready for anything. So I opened the floodgates, explained my “Letting Go Surrender Sigh” as it’s effects on asthma, anxiety and trauma release.
He said one word after my deluge had slowed to a trickle:
We sat their in silence for a moment as he gathered his thoughts, and I impatiently held back mine.
“OK”, he said as he turned the little tv screen toward me. ”I don’t usually do this, but I’ve never seen anything like what just happened - can you do that Sigh again?”
So we made sure my hand was positioned correctly again, and I looked at the screen, showing a human body outline (mine) with a myriad of rainbow colours shining around it. Cool.
“OK, so that is your aura… no so your sigh” he said exitedly.
I did. And what I saw blew my mind.
As I released my surrender, cleansing sigh, all the colours on the screen from the inside of my body to the outside were transmuted into white light, starting from the interior of my body out. It was like a whoosh of light blew the colours away in a beautiful sweeping motion. The white hovered for several seconds, then like a grandfather clock pendulum dropping back so center, the colours gently swept in back to where they were, but slightly lighter, less concentrated more blended with each other.
He told me he didn’t understand what was going on, but that I was on to something, and to never stop doing the work that I am doing.
So, I’m still doing it.
Oh. And in case you are interested, here is the picture of my aura, circa August 1999.
If you are interested, here are the links to the other two posts of this series describing my three “Near Breath Experiences”.
#1. Take a Breath, David.
#2. What is the Exhalation, anyway?