Vocal pathology is symptomatic of issues elsewhere. Virtually ALL vocal problems are related to physical tension, postural issues, lack of diaphragm tonicity, unhealthy respiratory habits, doubt, fear or lack of permission. Therefore another (and usually more efficient and long-lasting) direction is working with the respiratory system, diaphragm, posture, fascia, movement patterns and thought processes first, and the larynx last. The vocal mechanism does what the brain tells it to - the vocal mechanism reacts much more readily to the unconscious and subconscious brains than it does to the frontal lobes. So what messages are we sending to our voice? Often, the messages are "can't", "shouldn't" and "won't". Many issues of anxiety, doubt and lack of internal permission (that all come hand-in-hand with the UCVM) are diagnosed as vocal, skill-level or capacity issues; budding singers are cast aside. Unfortunately, it is not a simple matter to notice a lack of core efficacy and diaphragm tonicity in students. Multidisciplinary training for teachers is a key to helping singers take control of the systemic issues mentioned above. Respiratory therapy, kinesiology, core awareness work, restorative yoga, myo-fascial work and functional physiology are all helpful towards changing these unhealthy patterns. The Wilson Method is in the process of attempting to revolutionize professional singing lessons, speech therapy and vocololgy.
Appoggio. How do we go that extra step and connect singers to their support? To their personal power? To their internal strength? To their core? So many “vocal issues” simply disappear when we figure out that the vocal mechanism truly is the whole body. And not in a woo-woo new-age-wanna-be way, but in a myofacial physiological bio-energetic way. I seem to have figured out a system here... thanks to Cowtown Opera for their love and support: Voice problems have nothing to do with the Voice!!!
Yes, voice disorders present vocally. Hoarseness, mix issues, range challenges, laryngitis, nodules, polyps, cysts, paralysis or weakness all SHOW at the vocal level.
That doesn’t mean that any of these challenges are causal.
Assuming that we are not talking about direct physical trauma to the throat, smoking, cancer or neurological issues, ALL vocal issues are caused by, or can be traced back to:
- Unhealthy posture
- Lack of core stability
- Poor diaphragmatic flexibility
- Muscle tension in the thoracic region
- Dry fascia in the thoracic region
- Improper breathing
- Mental constructs: “I can’t”, “I shouldn’t” (anxiety)
Most of these come together in a fancy-shmancy package deal. 🎁
The good news is, working effectively with these constructs will heal your vocal difficulties.
The vocal folds are simply two aeolian curtains gently opening and closing in the wind.
They are not to blame. But where do we put the blame when we ‘think’ we have voice problem? What do we work on? What assumptions are we making?
Just asking for a friend. 🦋
Lozenges, ginger-lemon tea, neck massage and vocal rest (while additively may be helpful) are therefore, in essence, symptom stomping. 😱
Let’s play with the causes? Way more fun, way more effective, longer lasting, and will offer flahzillions of positive effects in our daily lives as well. 💪