When you get right down to it, sleep issues have nothing to do with sleep.
Sleep issues manifest during the day.
Sleeping patterns are ruled by thinking patterns.
The lack of ease in falling asleep is usually caused by what the Buddhists call the “Monkey Mind” state.
This high mental revving creates physical tension that the brain then thinks it needs to be happy and safe... relaxing then feels unsafe... so we don’t.
Anxiety is not simply thinking about the future, it’s about trying the control the future.
So the perceived need to control doesn’t match with the act of falling asleep, because falling asleep is (besides death) the ultimate act of releasing control.
👉 Laugh more during the day
👉 TWM breath ball massage of the belly and solar plexus) area
👉 Exercise 2 hours before bed
👉 No blue light one hour before bed
👉 Drink warm water
👉 Meditation
👉 Breath Therapy - make your exhalations twice as long as your inhalations
👉 Yoga: Forward Bends