Our bodies employ a highly specific reflexive physical reaction to stress
Our choices regarding what is stressful causes two ripple effects - our mind spontaneously attempts to protect us, creating what we call "anxiety", and our body spontaneously attempts to protect us, creating what we call "muscle tension". Whenever we go through ANYTHING we don't like, we (unconsciously) tighten the upper half of our rectus abdominis (RA, six-pack) muscle in a well-meaning attempt to physically stabilize and mentally bolster ourselves in order to deal with the stressful situation. Fair enough - when we are actually under attack. This "armouring up" would not be an issue, if not for the fact that many people tend to feel as if they are always under attack, even though the incident may be months or years in the past. Over time, this subtle gripping of the RA muscle spreads thoughout the body and can have a monumental physical, mental, emotional and energetic impact on our health. I have coined this physical armouring the "Unconscious Chronic Valsalva Maneuver". It is a world-wide phenomenon.