Holding your breath is saying No. It is saying no to flow. It is designed as a reaction to danger, a reaction designed to make us stop what we are doing and look around for trouble. We are already doing this unconciously, when there is no danger around, but when we have a negative thought. We don’t need it in our breath therapy. Even in breathwork we are being told to control the exhalation in order to slow down the rate of expiration. This is missing the point. We are already holding our breath during the day, why would we want to do more of it in a breathing practice? Let the exhalation go. Surrender. Let the pecs go. Let the RA go. Let the jaw go. Let the eyes soften. And stop counting - that’s thinking. Sink into it and breath naturally... go by heartbeats if you like. Does it feel like what we all know “letting go” should feel like inside? Or is it just a head-based exercise? Use ‘Float’ and ‘Drift’ instead.